Back & Neck Pain

Back pain is very common and causes a great deal of misery, however serious or permanent damage is rare. With the correct understanding and experience we can help you make as quick a recovery as possible. We use a combination of an in depth assessment and clinical diagnosis to draw up an individual treatment plan.

The treatment may include:
  • A specific explanation of your problem
  • Self help strategies
  • Appropriate manual therapy/manipulation
  • Soft tissue release work
  • Exercises to change and improve the way you move
  • Core stability exercises to strengthen your spinal and abdominal muscles
  • A Consultant referral if further investigations are required.
Who we work with

We have worked with many of the local consultants in collaboration to devise post-operative rehabilitation protocols. We have close links with a spinal surgeon, Langdon Spine and follow his post operative protocols.

We quite often see patients pre-operatively to explain the procedure and teach them their post-op exercises.